Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants offer many advantages that help patients regain dental function, restore appearance, and enjoy long-term value.

  • Lifetime Solution: Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care. Short-term fixes like bridges and dentures typically only last 5-10 years, and these recurring costs can add up.
  • Like Real Teeth: Dental implants look, feel, and work like natural teeth. You can eat comfortably, speak without them moving around in your mouth, and avoid the hassles of daily removal.
  • Prevent Bone Loss: The jawbone begins to deteriorate after teeth are lost, which over time creates a sunken-in look that can make you appear older. Dental implants help preserve the jawbone.


More and more people are getting dental implants to replace missing teeth. They're a long-term solution that is imbedded in your jawbone, just like your natural teeth. Plus, unlike fixed bridges or removable dentures, dental implants will not affect neighboring healthy teeth or lead to bone loss in the jaw. If properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Dental implant surgery is, of course, surgery, and is best done by a trained surgeon. Your oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) has the specialized education and training in the complexities of the bone, skin, muscles and nerves involved, to ensure you get the best possible results. A 2014 study suggests greater implant success rates when performed by a dental


Products & Services

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Modern Design

fixed bridge


implants are made of titanium metal

High Quality



with bone loss

Quick Support

Dental implant success


torrance dental implants have an 95% success

Titanium metal that fuses

metal that "fuses" with the jawbone through a process called "osseointegration."

who are we?

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Torrance Dental

dental implant office just 10 min from torrance


call and let us help you with a great smile

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long beach dental implant

dental implant center of long beach


over 25 years helping people with getting a great smile

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